Hardware requirements: Any computer capable of running Hypercard 2.1 and it might work with Hypercard IIGS using Hypermover. I haven't tried it.
Have you ever talked to your computer, has your computer ever talked back? If you have used a program like Eliza then you probably were stunned at first and then quickly became tired of limited responses and responses that didn't make any sense. If you haven't, then you are in for a treat.
There's really not too much to tell as far as documentation. All you need to run this program (I hate to call it a stack) is Hypercard 2.1. and all you do is type your response under Patient in all caps and wait to see what the Professor has to say.
Attention: Apple II users ( 128K Apple //e,//c,//c+,//gs, and Mac LC with //e Card)
I made a version that works with the Apple // series of computers. This version has voice synthesis and The Professor Raps, and you don't need any extra hardware for it.
For those few proud remaining Applesoft BASIC programmers (I know you're out there somewhere). I'll even include complete instructions on how to add voice synthesis to your own programs and how the program was made, for the low low cost of $10.00 plus $3.00 shipping. (Specify 5-1/4 or 3-1/2)
Attention: Macintosh Users
Please send me E-mail about what you think of this program, bug reports, and suggestions for improvement. I try to continue to improve all versions of Professor X based on suggestions of people who "talk" to him.
Shareware fee: I offer this program free but copyrighted. But if you just fall in love with this program and feel like sending me a check I won't refuse it. To become registered and notified of any future releases please E-mail. I will send you a text file containing the newest scripts. It will then be a simple matter of using the UPGRADE option.
Attention: MS-DOS users
Buy a Macintosh.
Attention: Window users
You don't have a Mac either.
Initial release
Fixed many major "unfeatures" (pronounced "bugs")
Has built in voice synthesis so you no longer need MacinTalk
Added upgrade routine that allows you to merely download a text file
containing a script instead of redownloading the whole stack when I make